Create And Assign A Public IP To An Azure Virtual Machine

Sometimes deliberately we don’t create and assign a public ip to an Azure Virtual Machine to not to expose to the internet as a safety measure, but later at some point of time we may require the VM to be accessed via internet and we definitely need a public ip to access the VM, the script below will help to create and assign a public ip address to an Azure VM…

If no Network Security Group is associated with Virtual Machine, by default all ports are open to the internet, and please be careful.

#requires -Module Az
# Function to create and assign a public ip address 
# to an Azure Virtual Machine using Az PowerShell module.
Function Assign-AzVMPublicIP2
        # Resource Group Name
        [string] $ResourceGroupName,
        # Virtual Machine Name
        [string] $VMName
    # Retrieve the Virtual Machine details
    $VM = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Name $VMName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    # Checking the VM existance
    if($null -eq $VM)
        Write-Error "Please enter a valid and existing Resource Group Name and Virtual Machine Name"
    $Location = $VM.Location # Location to create a public ip
    $NICId = $VM.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces.Id # Network Interface resource id
    $NICResource = Get-AzResource -ResourceId $NICId # Retrieve the NIC resource details
    # Retrive the NIC Object
    $NIC = Get-AzNetworkInterface -Name $NICResource.Name -ResourceGroupName $NICResource.ResourceGroupName
    $NICIPConfigName = $NIC.ipConfigurations[0].Name # IP Config Name to be used with Set-AzNetworkInterfaceIpConfig CmdLet
    $NICSubnetId = $NIC.ipConfigurations[0] # Subnet id to be used with Set-AzNetworkInterfaceIpConfig CmdLet
    # Create a public ip
    $PublicIP = New-AzPublicIpAddress -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location -Name "$VMName-pip" -AllocationMethod Static -IdleTimeoutInMinutes 4
    # Warn the user if no NSG is associated with this VM
    if ($null -eq $NIC.NetworkSecurityGroup)
        Write-Warning "Since no Network Security Group is associated with this Virtual Machine, by default all ports are open to the internet."
    # Assign the public ip to the VM NIC
    $NIC | Set-AzNetworkInterfaceIpConfig -Name $NICIPConfigName -SubnetId $NICSubnetId -PublicIpAddressId $PublicIP.Id | Set-AzNetworkInterface
Assign-AzVMPublicIP2 -ResourceGroupName test-rg -VMName test-vm

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Tagging Microsoft Azure Resources Using Powershell (Az)

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