Zip & Unzip

Just a tip #6

Prior to Windows PowerShell 5.0, if you want to zip or unzip the files you have to depend on COM objects, but from version 5.0 onwards (it is even available in PowerShell Core as well) there are two new cmdlets Compress-Archive and Expand-Archive are introduced to zip & unzip the files respectively.


### Examples are from Microsoft Docs
## Zip the files

# Example 1: Create an archive file
Compress-Archive -LiteralPath C:\Reference\Draftdoc.docx, C:\Reference\Images\diagram2.vsd -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath C:\Archives\Draft.Zip

# Example 2: Create an archive with wildcard characters
Compress-Archive -Path C:\Reference\* -CompressionLevel Fastest -DestinationPath C:\Archives\Draft

# Example 3: Update an existing archive file
Compress-Archive -Path C:\Reference\* -Update -DestinationPath C:\Archives\Draft.Zip

# Example 4: Create an archive from an entire folder
Compress-Archive -Path C:\Reference -DestinationPath C:\Archives\Draft

## Unzip the file

# Example 1: Extract the contents of an archive
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath C:\Archives\Draft.Zip -DestinationPath C:\Reference

# Example 2: Extract the contents of an archive in the current folder
Expand-Archive -Path Draft.Zip -DestinationPath C:\Reference

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