A simple REST API get method call to retrieve the datetime from http://worldclockapi.com service.
This script returns the current date time from http://worldclockapi.com/ using REST API service.
You can find the latest uri from the site above.
Eastern Standard Time http://worldclockapi.com/api/json/est/now
Coordinated Universal Time http://worldclockapi.com/api/json/utc/now
Also supports JSONP
Central European Standard Time http://worldclockapi.com/api/jsonp/cet/now?callback=mycallback
# utc time url
[string] $WorldClockAPIUrl = ''
# Invoke Get method. The API returns the output in json format, but by default Invoke-RestMethod will convert from JSON to readable format (pacustomobject)
[psobject] $ApiResult = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $WorldClockAPIUrl
<# Selecting only current datetime from the api output
$id : 1
currentDateTime : 2019-02-27T11:51Z
utcOffset : 00:00:00
isDayLightSavingsTime : False
dayOfTheWeek : Tuesday
timeZoneName : UTC
currentFileTime : 131957418910000000
ordinalDate : 2019-58
serviceResponse :
[string] $UTCTimeString = $ApiResult.currentDateTime
# Convert the string to datetime using .Net datetime class method Parse(), and returns datetime in default culture
[datetime]$DateTime = [System.DateTime]::Parse($UTCTimeString)
# output datetime
return $DateTime