This is a conversion of ARM template 101-1vm-2nics-2subnets-1vnet from the repository azure\azure-quickstart-templates to PowerShell Script.
This script creates a new VM with two NICs which connect to two different subnets within the same VNet, and it will deploy the following resources…
… and in-addition to it, just in-case if the deployment is not successful, then it will rollback the entire deployment.
If there is already the specified resource group exists then the script will not continue with the deployment.
Deploy-AzResources.ps1 [-ResourceGroupName] <string> [-Location] <string> [-AdminUsername] <string> [-AdminPassword] <securestring> [[-StorageAccountType] <string>] [[-VMSize] <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
I 💙 PS> $param = @{
>> ResourceGroupName = 'simple-rg'
>> Location = 'westus'
>> AdminUsername = 'sysadmin'
>> StorageAccountType = 'Standard_LRS'
>> }
I 💙 PS> .\Deploy-AzResources.ps1 @param
cmdlet Deploy-AzResources.ps1 at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
AdminPassword: *************
Deployment is successful!
HostName: Not Assigned