This is a conversion of ARM template 101-vm-simple-windows-visualstudio2019 from the repository azure\azure-quickstart-templates to PowerShell Script.
This script deploys a Windows Server Datacenter 2016 VM with Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition, using the latest patched version. This will deploy a Standard_D2_v2 size VM in the resource group location and return the admin user name, networkSecurityGroupName, virtualNetworkName and hostname, and it will deploy the following resources…
Deploy-AzResource.ps1 [-ResourceGroupName] <string> [-Location] <string> [[-VMName] <string>] [[-VMSize] <string>] [-AdminCredential] <pscredential> [[-DNSLabelPrefix] <string>] [[-SharedResources] <string>] [[-VirtualNetworkName] <string>] [[-SubnetName] <string>] [[-NetworkSecurityGroupName] <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
I 💙 PS> $Credential = Get-Credentials
PowerShell credential request
Enter your credentials.
User: sysadmin
Password for user sysadmin: *************
I 💙 PS> $param = @{
>> ResourceGroupName = 'vstest-rg'
>> Location = 'westus'
>> AdminCredential = $Credential
>> }
I 💙 PS> .\Deploy-AzResources.ps1 @param
Deployment is successful!
AdminUsername VirtualNetworkName NetworkSecurityGroupName Hostname
------------- ------------------ ------------------------ --------
sysadmin vNet SecGroupNet