This is a conversion of ARM template 101-vm-windows-copy-datadisks from the repository azure\azure-quickstart-templates to Terraform configuration.
This configuration allows you to deploy a simple VM and specify the number of data disks at deploy time using a parameter. Note that the number and size of data disks is bound by the VM size, this sample does not attempt to enforce those rules beyond the size used in this sample, and it will deploy the following resources…
If the specified resource group is already exist then the script will not continue with the deployment. If you want to deploy the resources to the existing resource group, then import the resource group to state before deployment.
# To initialize the configuration directory
PS C:\Terraform\101-vm-windows-copy-datadisks> terraform init
# To check the execution plan
PS C:\Terraform\101-vm-windows-copy-datadisks> terraform plan
# To deploy the configuration
PS C:\Terraform\101-vm-windows-copy-datadisks> terraform apply
# Initialize
PS C:\Terraform\101-vm-windows-copy-datadisks> terraform init
# Plan
PS C:\Terraform\101-vm-windows-copy-datadisks> terraform plan
The admin password of the VM.
Enter a value: *********
<--- output truncated --->
# Apply
PS C:\Terraform\101-vm-windows-copy-datadisks> terraform apply -var numberOfDataDisks=5
The admin password of the VM.
Enter a value: *********
azurerm_network_security_group.ansg-01: Creating...
azurerm_managed_disk.amd-01[1]: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
<--- output truncated --->
azurerm_virtual_machine_data_disk_attachment.adattach-01[1]: Creation complete after 8m36s
Apply complete! Resources: 19 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
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