Online help is available only the cmdlets which has help link associated.
To get the general and basic help about a cmdlet…
Get-Help -Name Get-WULastInstallationDate
To get the detailed help including parameter description & examples in-addition to the basic help
Get-Help -Name Test-WSMan -Detailed
To get the comprehensive help includes parameter descriptions and attributes, examples, input and output object types, and additional notes.
Get-Help -Name Invoke-Expression -Full
To get the help with examples only
Get-Help -Name New-LocalGroup -Examples
To get the online help in a browser separately…
Get-Help -Name Test-Connection -Online
To get the full help in a separate window…
Get-Help -Name Get-Process -ShowWindow
To get the help of a specific parameter of a cmdlet…
Get-Help -Name Get-NetConnectionProfile -Parameter InterfaceIndex
# To get the help of all the parameters of a command
Get-Help -Name Compress-Archive -Parameter *
You can use alias name as well to get the help, and even works with all the above parameter combination.
Get-Help -Name ls
You can get the help of a script if it is available, and even works with all the above parameter combination.
Get-Help -Name C:\GitRepo\Test-Script.ps1
To list the available help matching with a specific word…
Get-Help -Name netconnection
To list all the conceptual topics
Get-Help -Name about_*
To get the help of a specific conceptual topic
Get-Help -Name about_ForEach-Parallel