
String Operations

String Operations in PowerShell Example string C:\> $varString = 'This is an example string for PowerShell string operations' String assignment C:\> $otherString = $varString.Clone() # OR C:\> $otherString = $varString C:\> $otherString Output: This is an example string for PowerShell string operations Change the string to upper case C:\> $varString.ToUpper() Output: THIS IS AN EXAMPLESTRING FOR POWERSHELLDTRING OPERATIONS Change the string to lower case C:\> $varString.ToLower() Output: this is an example string for powershell string operations Change the string to title case C:\> (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($varString) Output: This Is An Example String For Powershell String Operations Compare with other string C:\> $otherString = 'an example string' C:\> $varString.CompareTo($otherString) # 1 - Partial match C:\> $otherString = 'This is an example string for PowerShell string operations' C:\> $varString.CompareTo($otherString) # 0 - Exact match C:\> $otherString = 'This is an example string for X PowerShell string operations' C:\> $varString.CompareTo($otherString) # -1 - More than matching Output: 1 0 -1 Verify that the given string is an exact match or not C:\> $otherString = 'This is an example string for PowerShell string operations' C:\> $varString.Equals($otherString) # It returns true # It says only true or false, if it is exact match then it says true if not false Output: True Verify that, this string contains the given string or not C:\> $matchString = 'PowerShell' C:\> $varString.Contains($matchString) # Returns True # It's a case sensitive when matching with the other string C:\> $matchString = 'powershell' C:\> $varString.Contains($matchString) # Returns False # Using 'Select-String' CmdLet C:\> $matchString = 'powershell' C:\> Select-String -InputObject $varString -Pattern $matchString -Quiet # Returns True C:\> Select-String -InputObject $varString -Pattern $matchString -CaseSensitive -Quiet # Returns False/null Output: True False True Verify that the given string is matching with starting of the string C:\> $matchString = 'This is' C:\> $varString.StartsWith($matchString) # Returns True # It's a case sensitive for all match cases C:\> $matchString = 'this' C:\> $varString.StartsWith($matchString) # Returns False Output: True False Verify that the given string is matching with ending of the string C:\> $otherString = 'operations' C:\> $varString.EndsWith($otherString) # Return True # Again this is also case sensitive Output: True Add leading spaces/characters C:\> $str = 'Hello' C:\> $str.PadLeft(10,'#') # If the character is not specified it will take space by default Output: #####Hello Add trailing spaces/characters C:\> $str = 'Hello' C:\> $str.PadRight(10,'#') # If the character is not specified it will take space by default Output: Hello##### Get length of the given string C:\> $varString.Length Output: 58 Find the starting index of a given character in a string C:\> $char = 'l' C:\> $varString.IndexOf($char) # You can set starting index C:\> $varString.IndexOf($char,17) # Ignoring the case C:\> $char = 'L' C:\> $varString.IndexOf($char,[System.StringComparison]::CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) # All the above examples work same with 'string' as well Output: 16 38 16 Find the starting index of any given characters in a string C:\> $arrayChar = @('a','e','i','o','u') C:\> $varString.IndexOfAny($arrayChar) # You can also set starting index C:\> $varString.IndexOfAny($arrayChar,3) Output: 2 5 Find the last index of a given character in a string C:\> $char = 'e' C:\> $varString.LastIndexOf($char) # You can set starting index C:\> $varString.LastIndexOf($char,40) # Ignoring the case C:\> $char = 'E' C:\> $varString.LastIndexOf($char,[System.StringComparison]::CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) # All the above examples work same with 'string' as well Output: 50 37 50 Find the last index of any given characters in a string C:\> $arrayChar = @('a','e','i','o','u') C:\> $varString.LastIndexOfAny($arrayChar) # You can also set starting index C:\> $varString.LastIndexOfAny($arrayChar,40) Output: 55 37 Find indexes of all the occurrences C:\> (Select-String -InputObject $varString -Pattern 'l' -AllMatches).Matches.Index Output: 16 38 39 Split a string seperated by a space C:\> $varString.Split() Output: This is an example string for PowerShell string operations Split a string by a given character C:\> $varStr = 'First Name: Kiran,Last Name: Patnayakuni,City: Bangalore,Course: PowerShell' C:\> $seperator = ',' C:\> $varStr.Split($seperator) Output: First Name: Kiran Last Name: Patnayakuni City: Bangalore Course: PowerShell Split a string with implicit conversion C:\> (Get-Date).Split() # Throws an error C:\> (Get-Date) -split ' ' # Instead of space you can give any character or even a string as well Output: - InvalidOperation: Method invocation failed because [System.DateTime] does not contain a method named 'Split'. 12/11/2019 18:27:45 Join two or more strings C:\> -join ('Well', 'come') # You can add any numbers of strings seperated comma C:\> [string]::Concat('Honey','well') # You can add any numbers of strings seperated comma C:\> -join ('Good', ' ', 'Morning') C:\> 'Hello', 'World' -join ' ' # You can add any numbers of strings seperated comma, and the seperator can be any character or a string as well Output: Wellcome Honeywell Good Morning Hello World Convert other data types to string data type C:\> Get-Date # Return type datetime C:\> (Get-Date).ToString() # Return type string, and you can set the format inside the parenthesis. You can convert to string datatype from anyother datatype possible C:\> Get-Date | Out-String # Return type string Output 11 December 2019 19:03:02 11-12-2019 19:03:15 11 December 2019 19:03:34 Trim the leading & trailing spaces/characters of a given string C:\> $strWithSpaces = ' Hello World ' C:\> Write-Host "This statement '$strWithSpaces' has some leading and trailing spaces" # Trim the spaces C:\> $strWithSpaces = $strWithSpaces.Trim() C:\> Write-Host "This statement '$strWithSpaces' has no leading or trailing spaces" C:\> $strWithExtChars = '~~~~~~~~Hello World~~~~~~~~' C:\> $strWithExtChars # Trim the extra characters C:\> $strWithExtChars = $strWithExtChars.Trim('~') C:\> $strWithExtChars # Trim the strings as well C:\> $FileName = "xxxpowershell.exexxx" C:\> $FileName.Trim("xxx") Output: This statement ' Hello World ' has some leading and trailing spaces This statement 'Hello World' has no leading or trailing spaces ~~~~~~~~Hello World~~~~~~~~ Hello World powershell.exe Trim the leading spaces/characters of a given string C:\> $strWithLeadingSpaces = ' Hello World' C:\> Write-Host "This statement '$strWithLeadingSpaces' has some leading spaces" # Trim the leading spaces C:\> $strWithLeadingSpaces = $strWithLeadingSpaces.TrimStart() C:\> Write-Host "This statement '$strWithLeadingSpaces' has no leading spaces" C:\> $strWithExtChars = '~~~~~~~~Hello World~~~~~~~~' C:\> $strWithExtChars # Trim the extra leading characters C:\> $strWithExtChars = $strWithExtChars.TrimStart('~') C:\> $strWithExtChars # Trim the strings as well C:\> $FileName = "powershell.exe" C:\> $FileName.TrimStart("power") Output: This statement ' Hello World' has some leading spaces This statement 'Hello World' has no leading spaces ~~~~~~~~Hello World~~~~~~~~ Hello World~~~~~~~~ shell.exe Trim the trailing spaces/characters of a given string C:\> $strWithTrailingSpaces = 'Hello World ' C:\> Write-Host "This statement '$strWithTrailingSpaces' has some trailing spaces" # Trim the spaces C:\> $strWithTrailingSpaces = $strWithTrailingSpaces.TrimEnd() C:\> Write-Host "This statement '$strWithTrailingSpaces' has no trailing spaces" C:\> $strWithExtChars = '~~~~~~~~Hello World~~~~~~~~' C:\> $strWithExtChars # Trim the extra trailing characters C:\> $strWithExtChars = $strWithExtChars.TrimEnd('~') C:\> $strWithExtChars # Trim the strings as well C:\> $FileName = "powershell.exe" C:\> $FileName.TrimEnd(".exe") Output: This statement 'Hello World ' has some leading and trailing spaces This statement 'Hello World' has no leading or trailing spaces ~~~~~~~~Hello World~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~Hello World powershell Generate a Random string C:\> $randomStrLength = 16 # With all lower, upper, numeric and including all special characters C:\> -join ((33..126) | Get-Random -Count $randomStrLength | % {[char]$_}) # With all lower and numeric characters only C:\> -join ((97..122) + (48..57) | Get-Random -Count $randomStrLength | %{[char]$_}) # With all upper and numeric characters only C:\> -join ((65..90) + (48..57) | Get-Random -Count $randomStrLength | %{[char]$_}) # With all lower, numeric and some special characters C:\> -join ((97..122) + (33..64) | Get-Random -Count $randomStrLength | %{[char]$_}) # In your case outputs will be different Output: -d!Z~k8r3,%JGbKC cep976xaz2mqtwgr 9T061UFDL3BIE82A au<y:>;s#86(mf.5 Remove specified number of characters from a given string # Remove all the characters starting from 18th index C:\> $varString.Remove(18) # Remove a specified number of characters C:\> $varString.Remove(18,22) Output: This is an example This is an example string operations Insert a specified string in a given string C:\> $myString = 'Good Kiran' C:\> $InsString = ' Morning' C:\> $myString.Insert(4, $InsString) Output: Good Morning Kiran Replace a specified string in a given string C:\> $myString = 'My name is kiran patnayakuni' C:\> $myString.Replace(' ', ',') C:\> $myString.Replace('p','P') C:\> $myString.Replace('kiran','Kirankumar') # Replace with implicit conversion C:\> (Get-Date).Date -replace '-', '' Output: My,name,is,kiran,patnayakuni My name is kiran Patnayakuni My name is Kirankumar Patnayakuni 12122019 00:00:00 Get a Substring from a given string C:\> $myString = 'WindowsPowerShell' C:\> $myString.Substring(7) # Till the end C:\> $myString.Substring(7,5) # Length of 5 Output: PowerShell Power Place holders C:\> $FirstName = 'Kiran' C:\> $LastName = 'Patnayakuni' C:\> $DOJ = '30-08-2015' C:\> $Organization = 'ABC Companey' C:\> "Hello - {0}, {1} has joined in the organization {2} on {3}." -f $FirstName, $LastName, $Organization, $DOJ Output: Hello - Kiran, Patnayakuni has joined in the organization ABC Companey on 30-08-2015. Verify the string is null or empty $myString = $null [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($myString) # Returns True $myString = '' [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($myString) # Returns True $myString = ' ' [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($myString) # Returns False ### And in all other cases it returns False Output: True True False Verify the string is null or white space $myString = $null [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($myString) # Returns True $myString = '' [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($myString) # Returns True $myString = ' ' [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($myString) # Returns True ### And in all other cases it returns False Output: True True True